Chi Delta Chapter
Welcome to the Nest PC'24
meet the team!

Mary Dabadie,
Amrit Kaur,
& Kat Burns
Recruitment 2024 is in the BEST hands! These three women represent Chi Omega in every possible way. Through friendship, personal integrity, service to others, academic excellence & intellectual pursuits, community & campus involvement, and personal & career development.
A Note From Our Recruitment Chair
Dear Potential New Members,
Being in a sorority has brought me so many amazing blessings it’s hard to put into words! To say the least my college days are never dull and you're never truly alone. You always have someone to eat in the Caf, do homework, or for me just taking naps in the lodge. Being in a sorority is all about how much you want to get out of it.
Just remember this process is all about meeting new friends and getting out of your comfort zone!! The best advice I have received is just be genuine to yourself and enjoy the experience. Being in a sorority has given me lifelong friends that I would not trade for the world. Having the opportunity to meet and become friends with such amazing girls is truly a blessing. College is overwhelming, but having the chance to be able to come together with girls who are there to help each other in hard and good times is a great feeling!
Mary Dabadie
Recruitment Chair

One of the two most common questions we get during conversations about joining a sorority is, "What's in it for me?" and "Why should I join?".
We say to you, "Why wouldn't you join?"
A sorority is the only organization on campus that promotes academic excellence, volunteerism, and philanthropic endeavors, provides leadership opportunities, mentorship, and accountability measures all while keeping friendship at its core.
Leadership Opportunities
more than 15 leadership positions for initiated members
local and national leadership training
cultivated communication and organization skills
managing a level of personal responsibility
Academic Excellence
all sorority women average GPA is consistently higher than non sorority women average GPA
chapter scholarship team holds accountability
mentorship and tutor programs
highest average GPA of all NPC sororities for 4 out of the last 5 semesters
Service & Philantrhopy
Over 400 community service hours combined for 2022/2023 year
volunteer with each other
raised of $15,000 for Make-A-Wish this past year
support the Millsaps Greek community in philanthropic endeavors
small group fellowship
big sister - little sister pairing
sisterhood retreats
mixers with other sororities, fraternities, and other campus organizations
social events
networking opportunities within Chi Omega and the greater Panhellenic community
local alumnae volunteers serve as advisors to chapter members
connecting with alumnae for job opportunities
"see something say something" mentality
crucial conversation approach
membership experience team
national and chapter rules and policies
bid day, best day